The idea of integrating the Irish language into your marketing or advertising strategy, may seem a tad unconventional at first glance, but it is brimming with potential.

The Irish language is experiencing a vibrant renaissance, with its melodic tones and rich cultural heritage, it can offer a fresh and distinctive edge in the modern world of marketing. This approach not only pays homage to our beautiful, ancient language but also taps into the ever-growing trend of connecting with audiences on a deeper, more personal level.

This resurgence can, in part be attributed to a growing appreciation of cultural identity and heritage among the younger generations, coupled with the powerful impact of social media platforms that showcase the beauty, poetry, and uniqueness of Irish. Did you know for instance, that #Gaeilge content receives over 120MILLION views on TikTok each and every month?

It’s not just about speaking an alternative language; it’s about connecting with a rich cultural past and bringing it into the modern day. This Irish language revival not only rekindles a sense of national pride but also plays a crucial role in preserving Ireland’s unique cultural legacy for generations to come.

By integrating Irish into your marketing initiatives, your brand can stand out, resonate more profoundly with your target audience, and further appeal to anyone with an appreciation for cultural richness and authenticity. Let’s dive into how Irish can, when used strategically, speak volumes to your target audience.

A Competitive Advantage.

Recent research conducted by Amárach in partnership with Irish language college, Gaelchultúr, has revealed that the use of Irish in advertising campaigns strengthens a brand’s Irish persona and credentials, and positively influences their overall consumer perception and experience.


  • 73% of consumers assume that a product was Irish when the Irish language was used in advertising.
  • 59% of respondents say that like seeing business communicating through marketing and advertising.
  • 41% agreed that they are more likely to buy products or services from a company that uses the Irish language.
  • And more than a quarter (26%) say they were willing to pay more for these same products.

Speaking about this research study, Marketing Institute of Ireland chief executive Shane McGonigle said that

“professional marketing has the power to create connections between people and products based on shared values. This research highlights the importance of the Irish language to people, and the commercial opportunity that it offers in creating and building these relationships.”

Authenticity is key.

The resurgence of interest in the Irish language presents a golden opportunity for brands looking to differentiate themselves and connect more deeply with their audience – however it MUST be done authentically.

Authenticity in marketing circles, has become a bit of a buzzword – but its importance, especially when looking to utilise the Irish language into your marketing and advertising activities cannot be overstated. Consumers are more discerning than ever before, seeking brands that are genuine, transparent, and true to their roots.

Integrating the Irish Language into your marketing efforts, is a powerful strategy for building brand authenticity. Brands that leverage this unique cultural branding element demonstrate respect to their Irish heritage. This approach not only separates your brand from competitors but also adds a layer of genuineness to your marketing messages.

Authenticity, in this era of brand transparency, is coveted by consumers and can lead to a stronger bond between the brand and its audience. It’s about speaking the language of the people, quite literally.

Incredible Case Studies.

Several brands have successfully harnessed the power of the Irish language in their advertising campaigns, setting inspiring examples for others to follow, let’s take a look at three of our favourites:


We couldn’t mention iconic usage of the Irish language without featuring perhaps Ireland’s most successful international export, Guinness.

Guinness is deeply rooted in Ireland’s heritage and has effectively harnessed the Irish language to resonate with its audience’s sense of identity. Through clever product naming, packaging that features Irish script and our national emblem – the harp – and marketing campaigns steeped in Irish culture, Guinness has managed to create a brand image that’s both universally appealing and authentically Irish.

And thanks to the Guinness Adverts Project, whereby the Guinness Archive have partnered with the Irish Film Institute’s Archive, you can discover many of Guinness’ most loved advertisements, digitally. A particularly relevant example for our exploration into the Irish language in advertising is the multi-award-winning advert, “Island”, from 1977, which features the inhabitants of a remote Irish speaking island, tensely awaiting the arrival of kegs of their beloved Guinness. The ad relies on simple background daily island noises, until we finally hear a familiar Irish phrase “Tá siad ag Teacht” (“They’re coming!“)


Watch it for yourself here.

This approach not only celebrates the Guinness brand’s origins but also engages consumers worldwide who are fascinated by Irish culture, demonstrating the powerful connection between language and branding.

Tourism Ireland & Fáilte Ireland

The tourism body of Ireland have taken a unique approach by using the Irish language to showcase the country’s breath-taking landscapes and rich history. Their marketing materials, including brochures, websites, and advertisements, often feature Irish names and phrases, inviting both local and international visitors to explore a deeper part of Irish heritage. This strategy not only appeals to tourists seeking an authentic experience but also promotes the Irish language as a living, breathing part of Ireland’s attraction, distinguishing the nation from other destinations.

Just 10 years ago, Fáilte Ireland in collaboration with Tourism Ireland undertook what was a direct response to the global economic crash – in their creation of the Wild Atlantic Way. And according to a report published in April 2024, more than 2 million more visitors visited the Wild Atlantic Way in 2023 compared with 2013 thanks to their incredible marketing strategy.

And we’re not surprised, this example the true strategic thinking behind the Wild Atlantic Way brand – not only utilises the Irish Language, Ireland’s distinct coastline and blends Dermot Kennedy’s instantly recognisable, ‘Power Over Me’ as it’s soundtrack. These subtle Irish nods truly are greater than the sum of their parts and created an incredibly impactful and resonating ad.

Watch it for yourself here.

Brennan’s Bread

With a rich, Irish heritage dating back to 1835, Brennan’s Bread has been a staple in Irish households for generations. In recent years, the brand has strategically integrated the Irish language into it’s marketing efforts to amplify its Irish brand identity and resonate with consumers on a deeper, more modern cultural level.

The brand ensured that its use of the Irish language feels authentic by aligning it to their playful tone of voice. The brands most recent campaign, called ‘Learning is Better’ marked Seachtain na Gaeilge 2024 and ran from March 1st through 17th. It centred around teaching people a “cúpla focail” that they can use in everyday life.

The campaign was activated through in-store packaging and a series of short social media videos, leveraging viral pop culture moments in recent Irish history – but with a difference, the Irish Language:

Not only that, but these videos are further supported by a tutorial on how to say the specific catchphrase, by popular Irish content creator Seamus Lehane.

Speaking about this Seachtain na Gaeilge campaign, Head of Marketing, Ivan Hammond said

“We are thrilled to help increase awareness and appreciation for the Irish language, by leveraging cultural moments and connecting with our audience on a personal level, we hope to create a meaningful and impactful campaign that resonates with viewers across Ireland.”


As inspired as we hope that this article and those examples make you, it would be remis to exclude some key considerations for brands when exploring the integration of the Irish Language into their marketing strategy.

These considerations include limited resourced for translation and content creation, the risk of alienating non-Irish speakers, and ensuring that your brand’s intended usage of Irish feels authentic, real and resonates with modern audiences without seeming twee, forced, or outdated.

To overcome these obstacles, brands can invest in linguist partnerships, create bilingual content, and ensure the use of modern and relatable themes that still respect traditional constructs. Additionally, collaboration with Irish language institutions and influences can provide the necessary expertise and credibility.

By considering and navigating these challenges thoughtfully, brands can effectively utilise the Irish language to enrich their marketing strategies in a way which is truly powerful.

An bhfuil tú réidh? (Are you ready?)

Here are some practical tips, if integrating Irish into your marketing strategy is something you would like to explore for your brand:

  1. Ensure brand fit: Review your brand DNA through a strategic lens – does use of Irish for your brand truly feel right?
  2. Start small: Incorporate Irish phrases or words into your logos, taglines, propositions, hashtags or calls to actions. This adds a small touch of Irish authenticity without overwhelming your audience. This allows you to test and learn with your unique audience.
  3. Educate Your Audience: Use your social media platforms and communications suite to share the meanings behind the Irish phrases you use. It’s a great way to engage and educate your audience, deepening their connection to your brand.
  4. Quality over Quantity: Ensure the Irish language is used purposeful and considered – partner with a local linguist to ensure all grammatical, phraseology and context are captured. Mistakes could alienate the very audience you’re trying to attract. Using Irish in clear, simple messaging can minimise the risk of error while still effectively engaging audiences.
  5. Localise Wisely: Understand the demographics of your target market and what resonated with them.

Final Thoughts.

In the world where the battle for attention is fiercer than ever, strategic use the Irish language within your marketing activities is not only a powerful tool in establishing a unique brand identity. it’s a celebration of our cultural identity, a tool for engagement, and an incredible bridge between tradition and innovation.

This approach can reflect a brand’s commitment to authenticity, diversity, and inclusivity. It can capture hearts, evoke emotions, and communicate values in a manner that resonates on a profoundly personal level.

So, why not leverage this unique aspect of Irish heritage to enrich your brand’s story and connect with your audience in a meaningful way?